Valentine’s Day is a holiday of love that many people actually hate or at least dread. I remember it started in junior high–the pressure of having a Valentine (which I didn’t). I felt like a dork because no boy liked me enough to give me a card or chocolate. And Valentine’s Day got more awkward each year, except for that one year in high school someone sent me an anonymous cookie with the message “Spicy Valentine.” So whether you have a human Valentine this year or not, I want to make a case that a horse is the best Valentine ever. Here we go.

horse portrait with bay Thoroughbred and blond woman in dress

My handsome Valentine Knight!!! (Photo by Carolyn Rikje Photography)

1. A horse doesn’t judge. 

I posed this question a a few weeks ago to my Saddle Seeks Horse VIP email readers “Why is a horse the best Valentine?” and Denise W. pointed out:

“Hair a mess riding–who cares. Fall off on that jump into the muddy puddle–who cares. Put on the college 15 plus–still don’t care. A gallop when you come out to the pasture to say hello to you. Head snuggle on your shoulder sensing it was a tough day. They will always love you endlessly. Constant devotion. No spouse, parent, child or friend will ever be so to you.”

I think many of us can agree with that!

2. A horse is always there for you.

Literally. In his or her stall hanging out. Most likely waiting for treats. Friends can get busy and your significant other can be out of town tending to work or life things. So even though they are metaphorically by your side, they might not really be there, present with you. But a horse will always be present.

3. A horse will never leave you for someone else.

Unless you sell said horse, in which case it probably wasn’t a good match anymore. Human relationships are often a bit more fragile.

4. A horse will have no expectations for Valentine’s Day.

Another email list response came from Raquel Lynn from Horses and Heels and Stable Style who shared the no expectations idea. In my own life I’ve been disappointed by having high expectations or I’ve disappointed those I love by not meeting their expectations. A relationship with a horse is so deliciously simple.

5. A horse is more truthful than people and willing to accept you with all your faults.

Another anonymous SSH email list reader (you can join the list here) shared number 5. And I can attest to this one in my own experience with riding Knight, my sensitive OTTB. I have unintentionally ridden him poorly whether from nerves and my mind goes blank or like this last week when I tried a new-to-me saddle pad and unbeknownst to me it was pinching his withers halfway through the lesson. (Sorry Knight!)

There have been many occasions where I probably deserved to be dumped, but my honest horse put up with me because that’s just who he is. Long suffering.

6. A horse is a partner you can truly escape reality with for as long as you’re in the saddle. 

Whether on a trail ride exploring new paths or doing arena work practicing your preferred riding discipline, being one with your horse is a perfect respite from life. When you’re in the moment with your special equine it’s hard to also stress out about that problem at work or worry about your ailing friend or relative. The too-low number in your bank account doesn’t figure prominently in your gray matter when your view is between the ears. (Now when you get out of the saddle, that’s another story!)

7. Horse hugs and kisses are the best! 

I used to see t-shirts that said “Have you hugged your horse today?” This was decades ago. Maybe they’re still around. Regardless, having a horse to love in life whether it’s your own or not is still a beautiful thing.

To sum up this treatise on why a horse is the best Valentine, here is a quote from another Saddle Seeks Horse email subscriber. It made me smile.

“My horses remind me why my heart is so full no matter how long I’ve been single.”

Leave a Comment: Why do you think a horse is the best Valentine ever?

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Photo of Susan with her horse Knight

I'm Susan and this is my horse Knight. We have been a blogging team since 2015 and we're glad you're here. Tally ho!

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